
Andre Nieri: "Battery 5%"

lawhawk4/29/2024 7:11:01 am PDT

No Trump court today - Passover holiday break. Trial resumes tomorrow. We can expect Merchan’s contempt of court ruling any time now too. And given that he violated gag order and could face criminal sanction for the violation, he may have violated the gag orders in his other criminal cases too - which require him not to violate any criminal laws as a predicate of being allowed out on bail.

It’s too much to ask that he have his bail revoked, because he’s held to a completely different standard from any other defendant who repeatedly and systematically violates the terms of his conditional release while on trial. Any other defendant who violates their bail terms would see bail revoked and be remanded to jail pending the outcome of trial.

Trump should face the consequences of his criminality to the fullest extent of the law. He has no right to avoid those consequences merely because he’s running for a political office (which itself is entirely to block the criminal consequences of his repeated criminal conduct during his first stint in the WH).